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2024 Election Results and Welcome to New Directors

July 19, 2024 6:54 AM | Anonymous

On behalf of the Nominations and Awards Committee, it is my great pleasure to announce the outcomes of the election for two Executive and three Director Portfolio positions on the ISNCC Board of Directors.

President Elect: Lena Sharp, Head of Department, Regional Cancer Center Stockholm-Gotland, Sweden

Lena Sharp, RN, PhD, is the Head of Department at The Regional Cancer Centre, Stockholm-Gotland, in Sweden. She is the former President of EONS, former chair of EONS advocacy working group and the project leader for the PrEvCan initiative. Lena has been a cancer nurse since 1985. She has long experience in clinical cancer nursing, leadership, teaching and research.

Prior to taking up her post at the Regional Cancer Centre, Lena Sharp was the chief nursing officer and patient safety coordinator at the Department of Oncology at Karolinska University Hospital. Her main focus areas in cancer nursing research are patient safety, communication, leadership, prevention, inequalities and cancer care organisation. She has experience in leading cancer prevention work, regionally, nationally and internationally, with particular focus on cancer related inequalities. Lena and her team received the 1st Health care equality award in Stockholm in 2018. In 2021 Lena was awarded The Robert Tiffany Award in cancer nursing and EONS Life-time Achievement Award.

Secretary / Treasurer: Catherine Johnson, Medical Oncology Clinical Nurse Consultant, Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW Australia

Catherine Johnson is a clinical nurse and her career in cancer care spans 34 years; specialising in oncology and clinical trials. Catherine is the Clinical Nurse Consultant in Medical Oncology at Calvary Mater Newcastle; where she provides expert clinical advice and consultancy to patients, carers and other health care professionals within cancer services. Catherine is a past board member of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA), the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) and the Editorial Board for the Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing. Catherine has a special interest in cancer care in low and middle income countries and has served as the project lead for the ISNCC Cervical and Breast Cancer Prevention and Screening Train the Trainer Project in Latin America and the Breast Aware: A train the trainer programme for nurses in Africa.

She has a strong interest in equity of access to efficient cancer services for patients with cancer. Other key interests include the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, supportive care and quality of life issues in cancer care and ensuring nurses and staff are adequately equipped to deliver quality care to meet the needs of their patients. She is also involved with a number of oncology projects on symptom management and supportive care as both principal investigator and co-investigator.

Communications Portfolio: Yuhan Lu, President of Oncology Nursing Committee of Chinese Nursing Association; Director of Nursing Department of Peking University Cancer Hospital

Ms. Yuhan LU, Associate Professor of Nursing, Director of Nursing Dept.,Peking University Cancer Hospital. She has been dedicated to cancer nursing for nearly 30 years and has rich experience in the field of cancer nursing and nursing management. She is also a Board Member of the Asian Oncology Nursing Society, President of Oncology Nursing Committee of the Chinese Nursing Association and the Beijing Nursing Association, Vice Chairperson of Oncology Nursing Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association. She also serves as an editorial board member and reviewer for many nursing journals. Over the past years, she has made outstanding contributions to promoting the communication and development of oncology nursing on national level in China.

Conference Management Portfolio: Suzanne Bishaw, Lecturer at Curtin University - Unit Coordinator for Undergraduate nursing units located in Perth and Mauritius. Lecturer Post-graduate nursing education in Perth and Singapore.

Suzanne Bishaw is a dedicated educator and leader in nursing education, currently serving as a Lecturer at Curtin University, where she coordinates undergraduate nursing units in Perth and Mauritius and lectures on post-graduate nursing education in Perth and Singapore.

In her role as Chair of the Conference Management Portfolio, Suzanne has successfully led the organization and delivery of both face-to-face and online international conferences in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Her ability to navigate the unique challenges of each year, coupled with her commitment to continuous learning and improvement, underscores her capability to lead a diverse team of volunteers globally. Suzanne's dedication and expertise make her an invaluable asset to the ISNCC Board of Directors.

Policy & Advocacy Portfolio: Julia Downing, CEO, International Children's Palliative Care Network (ICPCN); Professor of Palllative Care, Makarere University, Uganda

Julia Downing is a distinguished leader in cancer and palliative care, with over 30 years of dedicated service to the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC). She began her journey by presenting her first paper on the role of nurses in radiotherapy at an ISNCC conference and has since been an active participant. Julia's notable achievements include winning the ISNCC Robert Tiffany Lectureship Award in 2014 for her impactful work in Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa.

In her roles within ISNCC, including Chair of the Policy and Advocacy Committee, Julia has significantly influenced the development of key position statements and strategic policy initiatives. Her extensive international policy experience includes contributions to the World Health Assembly resolutions on palliative and cancer care and co-authoring the Lancet Commission report on palliative care and pain relief. Julia’s strong global network and collaborative approach make her an essential link in promoting ISNCC’s goals and fostering international partnerships.

The successful candidates will take up their board positions for a four-year term starting this month. They join other continuing members of the Board, including:

  • Winnie So, President, China
  • Lisa Kennedy-Sheldon, Membership Portfolio Director, United States
  • Dorothy Chan, Knowledge Development & Dissemination Portfolio Director, China
  • Josephine Visser, Corporate & Philanthropic Portfolio Director, United States

ISNCC wishes to thank and recognize outgoing members Patsy Yates, Linda Watson and Yongyi Chen for their leadership and outstanding contributions to the society over the past four years or more.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, congratulations to all new and continuing board members and we look forward to bringing news and exciting updates in future.

ISNCC Secretariat
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